
foxy notes

here's another sweet souvenir for all you paperlovers out there! last week i have created like 10 new stamps, including 3 fox stamps and this one is my favourite. printed on a little muji notepad, to remind you of all things you should note before you forget them :)

a thing i urgently need myself, as i am still struggling to get my life arranged in a business as usual order. today was more a whatnext?-day, i woke up quiet messy, like i have slept in a tent on some chaotic camping site. hot and steamy outside, even with the heavy early morning rain, damp and sweaty inside. i could not concentrate on anything. plus i was slightly pissed today by some guy on dawanda, for whom i have made a custom order print a while ago and who took not only the idea, but even the title for a print of his own. well, finally it happened to me, too! obviously it happens a lot. but well, i am a professional and no hobby artist and you see the difference, too. i guess my work has its own handwriting all over it and there are millions of bird prints and whatnot in the world and so many talented artists, who create much more beautiful work than i do. somebody even tried to remake my panda stamp and postcards, but well .. i like mine better, i got the skills ;)
sorry for the arrogance, but i needed to motivate myself a bit right now.
it's a great thing to inspire people, ideas are for free and vanish the instant moment they are born.
so, my note for myself today: i still have the original in my hands. in times of the internet how can you keep your copyright anyway?!

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