Today has been the goodie day! First, I have worked the whole day on making little goodie bags, for promotional use by the lovely DaWanda people. They are promoting DaWanda.com at the Designer Mart and the Loft Designer Market in Dublin and will take some of my goodies with them. So thanks for promoting my shop!
I had so much fun making these and can't wait to make some more...
( if you are happen to be in Dublin, stick around and get one! ;)

..and DaWanda is really great! it works! already! i made number 1 (!) in 3 of the DaWanda trend lists today! YEAY!! i'm so happy! now i just have to hit number 1 in the most sales list, too, that would be quiet nice ;)
(then i could afford some computer lessons to learn how to post a picture of a web without having to photograph it..stupid me :(

...BUT..everything got even better when the mailman knocked my door. he was gone until i opened up, but kindly left a surprise package from my dear friend tabéa on the doorstep. yippie!
inside were all these yummy goodies, japanese candies (even with rilakkuma bear, the relax bear i love him!) , a hellokitty suprise egg, and the best, some of her lovely fabric patches!! She makes them from her great collection of fabric treasures and this time she kindly selected all my japanese favourites for my pleasure. soO cute! thank you, tabéa! and i hope you will help me sewing them on ... you know my sewing skills (none)! ^_^
check out her lovely bags and other fancy stuff at: www.borsellina.dawanda.com
or www.borsellina.de