den polarbären mag ich besonders gern, wie er so gemütlich daherdümpelt..
yeehaw, and yet another new stamp! i have decided to step up my stamp cutting game a little - and to make way bigger stamps now, yay! even though stamp printing becomes quite complicated in this size...i am still waiting for more rubber that i have ordered and for more free time, then soon there will be more new, big motifs.... love the polar bear, though, and how relaxed he's floating around...

gedruckt in zwei schichten auf meine lieblingsskizzenhefte.
printed in two layers on my favourite sketchbooks.
5 Kommentare:
Wow, ich bin immer neidisch, wenn jemand sowas kann :-)!
love it. love it. love it.
i am also taking a time out on the countryside...
simple beautiful!
Oh wie süß, kennst du das Eisbär Cover von Nouvelle Vague? http://blip.fm/profile/paperama/blip/20647793/Nouvelle_Vague-Eisbaer
Super schön! Wo bestellst du denn eine Stempelgummis?
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