jedenfalls, ich habe das ganze wochenende an einem neuen druck gearbeitet und bin seither recht schlapp und uninspiriert, dabei stapelt sich die arbeit in allen ecken. vielleicht liegt es ja am neuschnee... ;)
..keep me busy these days! with the first one, the little stamp, i made new pretty things for the happy häckers, and the other little birdie is learning how to fly in our little home. it's so crazy, it feels like yesterday when she hatched and today she already wants to leave the nest and conquer the world! well, she don't necessarily need to get up at 4.30 in the morning for this...sigh! each day a great adventure - and a wonder, too ;)
anyway, me, i worked the whole weekend on a new blockprint and feel quiet exhausted and uninspired since then. even though work is piling up in every corner of the house. maybe because of the fresh snow.. ;)
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