wie kommts eigentlich, daß in hamburg immer alle hotels längst ausgebucht sind?! hiiilfeee.. solltet ihr am wochenende zufällig dort sein geht unbedingt zum MS Dockville Festival!! sophie eröffnet dort den hello handmade shop, ausgesuchtes und handgemachtes vom feinsten, SiebenMorgen ist auch dabei.. shop it like it's hot ;)
I'm still kind of damaged and not in the right mood for blogging..maybe because my internet was down for one week and i still don't know why. disaster!! at least i'm on again and try to distract myself with making stuff. production is running high... wrap it up!! (pssst...in case you have not noticed yet: i have stocked up my etsy shop, yay! it's fully loaded ;)
oh and - if you are in hamburg this weekend, go see the MS Dockville Festival! dear sophie is there, opening up the hello handmade shop filled to the brim with finest handmade goodies, incl. some from SiebenMorgen...shop it like it's hot ;)
1 Kommentar:
Katze mit Hut -
Find ich gut :)
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