last friday was a black day. i moved all my stuff from my studio, emptied and abandoned it completely and for good. this was anything else than easy for me and i cried a river. but - i am also glad that it's done and over. soon, i won't be able to move and work as i was used to and i certainly won't be for the first months of being a mother. still, i feel like amputated, no more printing (at the moment!!), no hide away, no workspace. sigh.
i loved these shabby, messed up rooms, so bright and full of light, my first real rented studio! it was not perfect, not at all, but i was glad i had the chance to be there. the whole yard is changing somehow and it seems like all is coming to a sad end soon...time is up.
anyway, it makes sense to spare the rent for the upcoming non-working months and then to find a new place, which hopefully will be a little more professional and where i can take my baby to. this was no place for nursing...
now i have all my printing blocks, inks, papers, canvasses etc at home, which funnily also feels good! i could (!) start printing right away, just need to find a little free space somewhere, haha.
i am so looking forward to all the upcoming changes and new things to happen. change is always good and exciting!

9 Kommentare:
I'm so sad to hear you had to move out of the yard. But... like you said, you have so much to look forward to! Yay!
I wish you all the best! an end is always a new beginning. In your case it really is! And you know what, sometimes it also feels good to have everything handy at home, ;-)), greatings, AnnLuise
It sounds like I need to give my congratulations and condolences all at the same time. I can understand the feeling of loss having to give up your creative workspace. My husband and I have talked about when we have children how it might affect me working... I don't think sewing needles that have dropped to the floor and hot irons above are the safest play place for a baby to play. We're still working on it. On the other hand congratulations on your upcoming baby. Give it a few years and then they will be in your new studio wanting to create and get ink all over them just like their mommy.
Kann ich gut verstehen, erstmal Glückwunsch zur Schwangerschaft!!
Aber daß man da trotz allem Grund zur Freude auch ein paar Sachen zurücklassen muss und darüber alles andere als froh ist, kenn ich auch. Zumal man ja gar nicht so genau weiss, was auf einen zu kommt.
Es wird sicher alles gut werden und Dein nächstes Studio wird sicher viiieeeel schöner als das alte! Alles Gute!!
ui, ein baby! ich freu mich sehr für dich. dafür kann man doch für einen begrenzten zeitraum sein studio aufgeben.
oh wow, what a response! THANK YOU so much, my dear ones, for your opinions and good wishes. i really appreciate!!
it's funny how feelings mix, on the one hand i am relieved and on the other hand i feel really burdened (literally, haha)
the last years i almost worked 24/7 with pleasure, a routine that is very hard to get rid off. BUT - i also begin to enjoy the (soon to end) possibility of doing nothing, to give things out of control and let others rule. did i just say that?! well, of course, i still work and craft a little in my tiny homestudio. no time to get bored ;)
So traurig-schön der Text und die Bider. Ich hoffe die Freude auf das Neue wächst zusammen mit dem Bauch und überrundet ihn (kann man das so sagen?!) Alles Gute!
UiUiUi...ein Baby wird kommen! Das Allerliebste von der maedchenwahn Iza und Ihrem Herr Carlo [mein Fast-Zwei-Jahre-Sohn]
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