one of the loveliest maganzines on this planet, amazing frankie magazine from australia has published a stunning art calendar for the year 2009 and guess what - i'm in it!! yay!! this is SO cool.....Featured among other great artists like Beci Orpin, Kat Macleod, Lilly Piri and Catherine Campbell, it’s an exclusive, large-format calendar ring-bound and printed on beautiful art paper and it can be all yours for only AUD29.95 + postage. Get your copy here...
...and here's a peak on my contribution: an all exclusive frankie version of the blue hey bunnies :)

3 Kommentare:
Awesome!! Congratulations, Tinee!
Hallo Tinee,
ich habe während meines Aufenthalts das Frankie Magazine kennengelernt, es ist echt toll! Herzliche Glückwünsche von mir, daß Du darin vertreten bist. Super!!!
LG Miriam
Meines Aufenthalts in Australien natürlich...:-)
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