yes, smells like work, kitties! shogo and keks show much interest in my linocutting efforts. i have cut this first plate for the yearly winterleuchten poster last week and there are still two plates to go! the winterleuchten is our yearly christmas market at the waggons at nordbahnhof, stuttgart, which this year takes place from 13-14 dec. i have decided to make a brandnew 3-color linocut for the flyer and poster, whcih allows me also to make a special edition of original prints (a souvenir from the winterleuchten market). as always - i am late in time and should work nonstop on the cut. but today it's monday, monkey monday as we like to call it, started bad, cold outside, even though the sun is shining, i am tired and i don't want to work!!!!!!! a t a l l!!! guess it's shitty cold in my studio, so i don't feel the urgent need for test printing, i am so unmotivated!! terrible, but hey - i am a freelancer, i can decide when i take time off, no?! sigh... had so many orders from the shops, too (awsome!!!), so half the day went by on this and sometimes, like today, it takes away my energy for all the other, creative stuff... UGH!

anyway, the first plate of my poster print came out quiet nice, i think. let's hope for better, energy fueled times and the first test print results....( i don't even want to think about the whole digitalizing, repro kinda procedure yet)
maybe i should just take a hot bath and watch disney movies for the rest of the day..
4 Kommentare:
ja, das solltest du tun - und ich auch. ich hab mir gerade den satc film angeguckt und würde gern den ganzen tag so weiter machen. eigentlich müsste ich besorgungen nachgehen, aber ich will nicht raus in die kälte! und in zwei wochen ist deadline und ich hab noch so viel zu tun. ich bin sooo faul!
ja, schlimm!! wenigstens bin ich nicht die einzige! ob's am novemberwetter liegt?
ich hoffe es: "herbstdepression"!
so wie es draussen aussieht wandelt es sich schon bald in eine winterdepressioN!!
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